Thursday, May 29, 2008

The start of my journey

This is the start of my journey to run a 5K. I know I know, I've been telling everyone that I am going to run one for like 4 years, but really I am. Honestly, it will be after we move to VA and get settled, but darn it, if it kills me, I'm going to do it.

So, with that said, today after work, I will be doing my first "official" run of my training. I've been working out and jogging off and on for awhile now, but never really focused on a goal. So that is my goal! I'll post my before pics, and if I can find a pic of what my goal weight and body composition is, I'll post that.

I'm going to sort of follow the "Couch-to-5K" program, which I do feel is a great program. But I do have a little more experience, b/c of running in high school and my first year of college (on the track teams). So wish me luck! (and thanks for reading my blog!)

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