Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Well, another morning of walking with my neighbor. It was nice, cool but nice. And we did our normal route. I think I'm catching a cold... so I really have no desire to run, lately. Plus with everything else that is going on in my life, well, I'm surprised I haven't hidden under a rock to get it all done. but it will get done before we leave, it has to!

We are off to Boston this weekend, which will be fun. I am going to miss being so close to Boston. We never really go to NYC... but we are close to that as well!

I will run this 5K in 2008 if it kills me! Just watch!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Tuesday and Thursday

Ok, so I totally flaked and didn't blog on Tues about my run, or was that Monday. Well, whatever... I ran one morning this week at 5am, and it was ok. Not great, but not horrible either. It was hot, humid and hazy Monday and Tuesday of this week. But I still got out there.

Then this morning, unexpectadly I was able to run as well. Usually, well, lately, I've been walking with my neighbor at 5am, instead of running. But she couldn't walk this morning, so I ran inside and grabbed my IPod and off I went. I ended up running for a little over a mile, and walked around 2.5 miles or so. It was ok. This morning was beautiful, weather wise... in the 60's and not hazy, hot or humid! So, hopefully I can get one more run in this week.

I'm so terrible, b/c I haven't stuck to my training schedule. But that's what happens when you walk instead of run, isn't it? :o) Oh well! Off I go!

Friday, June 6, 2008

*ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate computers! My post, which in my opinion, was very witty, was just lost! So, here's my hopefully accurate recreation of it.*

Stress can do a body a bit of damage, from emotional to psychological to physical damage. It's quite powerful. Lately, I've been exhausted. To the point where this morning if I hadn't have had to have gone to work, I would have crawled back in bed. But both A (my daughter) and I made it to daycare and work, respectively. But the thought of my first cup of coffee was what kept me going. I am by no means a coffee lover. They all taste the same to me, but I do love the pick me up!

I did wake up this morning and do my usual 3-3.5 mile loop with my neighbor. And about 1/2 mile to 3/4 mile into it, it started to rain on us. Normally I can finish my walk/run in the rain, but today just bothered me. We finished, but I wasn't pleased about it. We did also pick up our pace, so that was nice.

We shall see how I feel after work, and if it is still raining, on whether or not I run. I don't know, I keep telling my neighbor that we should run together, but I think I'm a loner when it comes to running!

**Totally different tangent-- I went bathing suit shopping yesterday on my lunch break. And it was a HORRIBLE HORRIBLE experience. I had forgotten how harsh those dressing rooms really are. So we shall see if I end up in a bathing suit this summer or not! Stay tuned**

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Still Week 1

Well, so I am exhausted... really no idea why, but just plain tired. I got home from work yesterday and about fell asleep in my dinner. So no running again. I did get up this morning at 5 and went walking with my neighbor. So that was a blast! I'm totally running today after work if it KILLS me. No more of this! No more excuses.

I also will be walking tomorrow morning with my neighbor, again 5 am! Walking is definitely better than doing nothing, but not great. And in our defense, we do walk for 3 to 3.5 miles... and she did just have a baby in March. I know I know, excuses excuses.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Still week 1

So, I didn't run yesterday, but walked 3+ miles with my neighbor instead. It felt good. See there's this one HUGE hill that we have to walk up, ok it's on the route we choose to take. So to me that was like running. HA! I do plan, if it stops raining, to run tonight after work. So today's entry is short, sweet and to the point!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Day 2

Ok, so I slacked on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, which is a shame, because Friday and Sunday were gorgeous days here. But I did get myself out of bed this morning at 5, and did day 2 of training. It felt really good again... and this time, I wasn't as winded. I kept going a little bit longer and it was just nice. Plus, 5 AM is a GREAT time to run, because no one is out. The world is so peaceful, and the sun is just starting to rise. It is a lovely time to be out on the road. If you haven't done it, I highly recommend trying it at least once.