Thursday, October 11, 2012

W2D1 C25K

Well, I finally start running again this week.  And I did W2D1, according to my app, and finished it!  Phew!  I ran at a new time yesterday.  I ran at 6:30 pm.  It did get a little dark by the end, but I did finish before it was too dark.  I'm not sure if I like this time to run yet, or not.  I just haven't been able to motivate myself to get going in the mornings.  Crazy, right?  I get more sleep now, because Little Man is only waking up once a night (again!).  PHEW!  It is amazing what happens when you are getting 4+ straight hours of sleep a night.  And now that I am not nursing, he eats in like 20 minutes and it's back to bed.  I put him in his bed wide awake, and he just hangs out until he falls back asleep.  AMAZING!  Cutie NEVER, let me repeat that, NEVER did that.  We have a video monitor and would watch her, when she was pulling up and walking.  She would "run" around her crib for literally an hour and then fall asleep.  That child STILL doesn't sleep.  It amazes me.  It's not for a lack of a regular bed time or trying on our part... she just doesn't sleep.

Anyway, I digress... I'm sure you all don't want to read about my children's sleep habits. 

Today, I start back on the Bios Life Slim.  I was using it before I got pregnant with Little Man.  I stopped because, although there is no research saying not to use it, there is also no research saying that it is safe during pregnancy and breast feeding.  So it has been over a year of my not using it.  I will post my results, when I get them. 

Happy Thursday!

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