Monday, October 8, 2012

What can I say?

I had a rough week last week.  Hubby was traveling, again... kids were tiring me out, my allergies are through the roof and I just felt run down and well, I just couldn't make myself run.  I ran on Monday, but it wasn't good.  I didn't finish it, which is horrible.  I believe that I did make it more than half way, but it is a far cry from the 2 miles I should be doing right now.  So, this week, I am back at it.  Picking myself up...  dusting my running shoes off, and I'm off an running (forgive the pun).

I didn't run this morning, because, well, I gave myself an out.  It was too cold.  It was in the 50's to be exact, and I'm just not used to that.  And then I decided it was too dark at 6 and then again at 6:30.  I was going to run at those times, because hubby was home (he has today off of work) and I had someone to be at home with the kiddos.  But I just couldn't do it.  So tomorrow morning... come hell or high water, I'll be picking up with W2D2.  And onward and upward.  I will be ready for the Color Run on November 17, if it kills me.  Just kidding... it won't kill me.  :)

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